Policy-Protected Data

SafeSuite provides state of the art Policy-Protected Data (PPData) with our desktop agent, web app and mobile apps.

This technology was designed for the most demanding data security requirements in the Enterprise, Legal, Financial, and Medical Data Regulations that apply to security and protection of critical files and digital rights management.

PPData is the latest advancement in combining ease of use encryption and decryption with the additional policy tools that allow tracking, retracting, geofencing, time embargo, and user defined access controls allowing the data to be protected in all environments.  Includes protection and management in all storage devices from thumb drives to large Cloud servers and environments.

This unique new use of PPData applies to Data at Rest and Data In Motion. SafeSuite® sets a new standard in data management and adds robust options for monetization, enterprise and personal data security, and protection from AI infringement.

This tool ensures stolen data is protected as the theft will not allow the data to be opened off the geofenced premises. That policy is engaged with the SafeSuite® Agent’s PPData process.

These are now available for download and trial during the beta test starting May 2024.